Fostering Cultural Identity and Mental Wellness: VFP's Partnership with "Home Grown"

Tending a home garden holds a special significance for London's Vietnamese community. For many Vietnamese people, the act of growing and nurturing plants is not just a practical means of providing food for the family but also a way of connecting with their cultural roots and finding a sense of belonging in a foreign land. Home gardens serve as a physical manifestation of their cultural identity and a way to maintain a connection with their homeland.

In addition, gardening provides a sense of community and social connection as neighbors and friends come together to share tips, advice, and produce. It's a way to build relationships and foster a sense of unity, even in a bustling city like London.

The Vietnamese Family Partnership's "Home Grown" project aimed to explore the stories and meanings behind these gardens, providing a space for Vietnamese gardeners to share their experiences and insights. The project's community film and pop-up exhibition offered a glimpse into the world of Vietnamese home gardening and highlighted the way in which these gardens contribute to a sense of home, culture, and belonging in London.

Vietnamese Family Partnership

Vietnamese Family Partnership (VFP) is a charity with a mission to bring the Vietnamese community together and help them to thrive in wider British society.

 ‘New Cat in Town’


VFP Featured in BBC News Vietnam